Nouveautés – juin 2017

Agriculture (general), soil sciences

Encyclopedia of agrophysics / edited by Jan Gliński e.a.

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« This Encyclopedia of Agrophysics will provide up-to-date information on the physical properties and processes affecting the quality of the environment and plant production. […] In a single authoritative volume a collection of about 250 informative articles and ca 400 glossary terms covering all aspects of agrophysics will be presented. The authors will be renowned specialists in various aspects in agrophysics from a wide variety of countries. » More…

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Cote de rangement : S588.4 .A

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Mathematical applications in agriculture / Nina H. Mitchell

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« Get the specialized math skills you need to be successful in today’s farming industry with MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS IN AGRICULTURE, 2nd Edition. Invaluable in any area of agriculture-from livestock and dairy production to horticulture and agronomy–this easy to follow book gives you steps by step instructions on how to address problems in the field using math and logic skills. » More…

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Cote de rangement : S566 .M

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►Astronomy – Physics

Foundations for nanoscience and nanotechnology / Nils O. Petersen

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« Do you ever wonder why size is so important at the scale of nanosystems? Do you want to understand the fundamental principles that govern the properties of nanomaterials? Do you want to establish a foundation for working in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology? Then this book is written with you in mind. » More…

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Cote de rangement : QC176.8.N35 .P

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Optical properties of nanostructures / Ying Fu, Min Qiu

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« This book discusses electrons and photons in and through nanostructures by the first-principles quantum mechanical theories and fundamental concepts (a unified coverage of nanostructured electronic and optical components) behind nanoelectronics and optoelectronics, the material basis, physical phenomena, device physics, as well as designs and applications. » More…

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Cote de rangement : QC446.2 .F

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►Botany/  Plant culture / forestry

Seed testing : principles and practices / Sabry G. Elias, L.O. Copeland, M.B. McDonald e.a.

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« An essential reference for students, seed technologists, researchers, and seed industry personnel, this comprehensive guide outlines the most widely performed modern seed quality tests, explores the principles behind them, the history of seed testing, why seeds are tested and when, and sampling, sub-sampling, seed laboratory management, accreditation, and seed quality assurance programs. The authors describe statistical applications to seed testing and tolerances, and they provide a detailed morphological and structural description of seed formation and development. » More…

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Cote de rangement : SB117 .S

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Invasive plant species of the world : a reference guide to environmental weeds / Ewald Weber

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« Since the publication of the first edition of this book in 2003, the status of many important invasive plants around the world has changed dramatically. Species have extended their ranges, new literature has been accumulated, and control methods have been improved. Research on some plant invaders has also focused on the species’ ecology and impacts, confirming that invasive plants continue to pose serious threats to species and ecosystems. Given their range expansions and introduction via international trade, these problems will only become more serious in the future.  » More…

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Cote de rangement : SB613.5 .W

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►Chemistry / Chemical technology, biotechnology

Bioprocess engineering : basic concepts / Michael L. Shuler, Fikret Kargi, Matthew DeLisa

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« Bioprocess Engineering, Third Edition, is an extensive update of the world’s leading introductory textbook on biochemical and bioprocess engineering and reflects key advances in productivity, innovation, and safety. The authors review relevant fundamentals of biochemistry, microbiology, and molecular biology, including enzymes, cell functions and growth, major metabolic pathways, alteration of cellular information, and other key topics. They then introduce evolving biological tools for manipulating cell biology more effectively and to reduce costs of bioprocesses. » More…

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Cote de rangement : TP248.3 .S

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►Geography, oceanography, environment, geology

Atlas mondial de l’eau : défendre et partager notre bien commun / David Blanchon, Aurélie Boissière

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« En 100 cartes et infographies, cet atlas propose une excellente synthèse sur la question de l’eau, traitant à la fois des ressources, de leur utilisation, de leur gestion et des défis à venir. […] Dans cette nouvelle édition entièrement remise à jour, David Blanchon démontre qu’il n’y a pas de fatalité et que des solutions existent afin de remédier aux pénuries locales, de mieux gérer l’eau, de généraliser son accès dans le Sud et de réduire la pollution au Nord. » Plus…

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Cote de rangement : G1046.N44 .B

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Atlas mondial du nucléaire : une étape dans la transition énergétique / Corinne Lepage ; cartographie de Xemartin Laborde

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« Plus de 120 cartes et infographies pour dresser le panorama mondial de l’industrie nucléaire, de son expansion et des stratégies choisies dans la perspective de la transition énergétique. État des lieux de l’énergie nucléaire dans le monde.
Les grandes controverses : impact sanitaire et environnemental, gestion des déchets, opacité de l’information. » Plus…

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Cote de rangement : G1046.N35 .L

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Atlas du climat : face aux défis du réchauffement / François-Marie Bréon et Gilles Luneau ; préface de Jean Jouzel ; cartographie de Hugues Piolet

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« Plus de 100 cartes et infographies pour appréhender la complexité du climat, saisir les enjeux du réchauffement et les moyens d’y répondre.
Le fonctionnement du climat, perturbé par les émissions croissantes de gaz à effet de serre depuis la révolution industrielle.
Les innombrables conséquences du réchauffement : augmentation des catastrophes naturelles, migrations ou disparitions d’espèces, bouleversement de l’agriculture et de la pêche, problèmes sanitaires et réfugiés climatiques… » Plus…

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Cote de rangement : G1046.C813 .B

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Atlas de l’Inde : une nouvelle puissance mondiale / Isabelle Saint-Mézard ; cartographie : Hugues Piolet

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« Plus de 100 cartes pour comprendre la place nouvelle de l’Inde dans le monde d’aujourd’hui.
Une civilisation au rayonnement trois fois millénaire.
La très stable démocratie indienne confrontée au nationalisme hindou.
Les grands atouts économiques d’un pays émergent.
Tensions entre très riches et très pauvres : une société fortement inégalitaire. » Plus…

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Cote de rangement : G2281.G1 .S

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Atlas du Moyen-Orient : aux racines de la violence / Pierre Blanc, Jean-Paul Chagnollaud ; cartographie : Claire Levasseur

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« Plus de 120 cartes pour comprendre les origines multiples des violences du Moyen-Orient, cet ensemble géopolitique allant de la Turquie au Yémen, et de l’Égypte à l’Iran.
Les racines historiques des conflits actuels, depuis l’effondrement de l’Empire ottoman.
Les impasses politiques des régimes autoritaires et les dérives nationalistes, islamistes et sionistes. » Plus…

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Cote de rangement : G2206.F2 .B

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►Hydraulic engineering – Environmental engineering / Mining engineering, metallurgy

Understanding hydraulics / Les Hamill

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« Updated throughout and featuring a new chapter on Sustainable Drainage Systems, this third edition is suitable for students from pre-degree through all undergraduate level courses as well as a reference tool for industry. There are numerous worked examples, self-test and revision questions to help students solve problems and avoid mistakes. » More…

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Cote de rangement : TC160 .H

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Flood risk assessment and management : how to specify hydrological loads, their consequences and uncertainties / Andreas H. Schumann, editor

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« This book examines many aspects of flood risk management in a comprehensive way. As risks depend on hazard and vulnerabilities, not only geophysical tools for flood forecasting and planning are presented, but also socio-economic problems of flood management are discussed. » More…

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Cote de rangement : TC530 .F

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►Mathematics, computer sciences

Découvrir le numérique : une introduction à l’informatique et aux systèmes de communication / sous la direction de André Schiper ; avec la collaboration de Rachid Guerraoui e.a.

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« Les technologies numériques ont envahi notre quotidien, et rares sont les espaces qu’elles n’ont pas encore investi. Leur impact social, économique et culturel est si profond qu’il remodèle tous les jours un peu plus notre monde. Paradoxalement, cet usage se double d’une méconnaissance presque totale du fonctionnement de ces technologies. C’est à une plongée dans les secrets du monde numérique que cet ouvrage convie le lecteur. » Plus…

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Cote de rangement : QA76 .D

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►Medicine, biomedical engineering

Biomedical engineering : bridging medicine and technology / W. Mark Saltzman

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« The second edition of this popular introductory undergraduate textbook uses examples, applications, and profiles of biomedical engineers to show students the relevance of the theory and how it can be used to solve real problems in human medicine. The essential molecular biology, cellular biology, and human physiology background is included for students to understand the context in which biomedical engineers work. » More…

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Cote de rangement : R856 .S

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►Natural history, biology, ecology

Biocommunication : sign-mediated interactions between cells and organisms / [edited by] Richard Gordon e.a.

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« All coordination between cells, organs, and organisms depends on successful biocommunicative processes. There are abundant cases of communication in the biological world, both within (intraspecific) and between (interspecific) single-cell and multicellular microorganisms and higher animal forms. Split into two parts, this book first looks at the history, development and progress within the field of biocommunication. The second part presents real-life case studies and investigation into examples of biocommunication in the biological world. » More…

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Cote de rangement : QH507 .B

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Molecular biology : principles and practice / Michael M. Cox., Jennifer A. Doudna, Michael O’Donnell

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« Written and illustrated with unsurpassed clarity, Molecular Biology: Principles and Practice introduces fundamental concepts while exposing students to how science is done. The authors convey the sense of joy and excitement that comes from scientific discovery, highlighting the work of researchers who have shaped—and who continue to shape—the field today. » More…

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Cote de rangement : QH506 .C

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Genetic analysis : genes, genomes, and networks in eukaryotes / Philip Meneely

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« With its unique integration of genetics and molecular biology, Genetic Analysis probes fascinating questions such as these, detailing how our understanding of key genetic phenomena can be used to understand biological systems. Opening with a brief overview of key genetic principles, model organisms, and epigenetics, the book goes on to explore the use of gene mutations and the analysis of gene expression and activity. » More…

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Cote de rangement : QH440 .M

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Half-earth : our planet’s fight for life / Edward O. Wilson

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« In his most urgent book to date, Pulitzer Prize–winning author and world-renowned biologist Edward O. Wilson states that in order to stave off the mass extinction of species, including our own, we must move swiftly to preserve the biodiversity of our planet. In this « visionary blueprint for saving the planet » (Stephen Greenblatt), Half-Earth argues that the situation facing us is too large to be solved piecemeal and proposes a solution commensurate with the magnitude of the problem: dedicate fully half the surface of the Earth to nature. » More…

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Cote de rangement : QH75 .W

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Introduction to genomics / Arthur M. Lesk

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« Our genome is the blueprint for our existence: it encodes all the information we need to develop from a single cell into a hugely complicated functional organism. Yet it is more than a static information store: our genome is a dynamic, tightly-regulated collection of genes, which switch on and off in many combinations to give the variety of cells from which our bodies are formed. But how do we identify the genes that make up our genome? How do we determine their function? And how do different genes form the regulatory networks that direct the processes of life? » More…

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Cote de rangement : QH447 .L

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►Philosophy – History – Science (general)

Nobel prize women in science : their lives, struggles, and momentous discoveries / Sharon Bertsch McGrayne

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« Since 1901 there have been over three hundred recipients of the Nobel Prize in the sciences. Only ten of them — about 3 percent — have been women. Why? In this updated version of Nobel Prize Women in Science, Sharon Bertsch McGrayne explores the reasons for this astonishing disparity by examining the lives and achievements of fifteen women scientists who either won a Nobel Prize or played a crucial role in a Nobel Prize – winning project. The book reveals the relentless discrimination these women faced both as students and as researchers. Their success was due to the fact that they were passionately in love with science. » More…

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Cote de rangement : Q141 .M

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 ►Social sciences – Education – Music

Handbook of operations research in natural resources / edited by Andres Weintraub e.a. ; with the collaboration of Jaime Miranda

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« Handbook of Operations Research in Natural Resources will be the first systematic handbook treatment of quantitative modeling natural resource problems, their allocated efficient use, and societal and economic impact. […] The handbook will include tutorial contributions when necessary. Throughout the book, technological advances and algorithmic developments that have been driven by natural resource problems will be called out and discussed. » More…

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Cote de rangement : HC85 .O

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Accès en ligne

Ingénierie de l’innovation / Vincent Boly, Mauricio Camargo, Laure Morel

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« Le challenge que représente l’innovation est en perpétuelle évolution. Les entreprises mettent en place de nouvelles pratiques, les chercheurs proposent des théories originales et des méthodologies de management plus performantes, tandis que, de leur côté, les institutions restructurent leur dispositif d’accompagnement du développement économique.
Cette nouvelle édition du livre Ingénierie de l’innovation est donc très largement remaniée et enrichie. » Plus…

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Cote de rangement : HD45 .B

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►Technology (general) – Engineering (general), civil engineering

Topométrie générale / Roger Duquette et Ernest P. Lauzon

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« Cette troisième édition de Topométrie générale constitue une transformation et une mise à jour substantielles des éditions précédentes. La majorité des chapitres a été remaniée en fonction des plus récents développements technologiques et des changements survenus au cours des dernières années dans le domaine de la géomatique. » Plus…

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Cote de rangement : TA590 .D

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Calculer une structure : de la théorie à l’exemple / Pierre Latteur

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« Pragmatique, prédagogique, cet ouvrage trouve sa place à mi-parcours entre la théorie de base de la résistance des matériaux et les méthodes de dimensionnement particulières propres aux différents matériaux. Il est écrit de manière à marquer une transition entre des décennies de calcul manuel et une ère nouvelle dans laquelle le calculateur doit pouvoir utiliser la puissance des logiciels de calcul en connaissance de cause tout en conservant un œil critique sur les résultats qu’ils procurent. » Plus…

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Cote de rangement : TA645 .L

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►Zoology, Animal culture, veterinary medicine – Aquaculture, fisheries

The insects : structure and function / R.F. Chapman

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« The Insects has been the standard textbook in the field since the first edition published over forty years ago. Building on the strengths of Chapman’s original text, this long-awaited 5th edition has been revised and expanded by a team of eminent insect physiologists, bringing it fully up-to-date for the molecular era. The chapters retain the successful structure of the earlier editions, focusing on particular functional systems rather than taxonomic groups and making it easy for students to delve into topics without extensive knowledge of taxonomy. » More…

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Cote de rangement : QL463 .C

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Insect molecular genetics : an introduction to principles and applications / Marjorie A. Hoy

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« Insect Molecular Genetics, Third Edition, summarizes and synthesizes two rather disparate disciplines—entomology and molecular genetics. This volume provides an introduction to the techniques and literature of molecular genetics; defines terminology; and reviews concepts, principles, and applications of these powerful tools. The world of insect molecular genetics, once dominated by Drosophila, has become much more diverse, especially with the sequencing of multiple arthropod genomes (from spider mites to mosquitoes). » More…

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Cote de rangement : QL493 .H

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Bovine reproduction / edited by Richard M. Hopper

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« Bovine Reproduction is a comprehensive, current reference providing information on all aspects of reproduction in the bull and cow.  Offering fundamental knowledge on evaluating and restoring fertility in the bovine patient, the book also places information in the context of herd health where appropriate for a truly global view of bovine theriogenology. » More…

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Cote de rangement : SF68.2.C3 .B

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Handbook of laboratory animal management and welfare / Sarah Wolfensohn and Maggie Lloyd

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« This bestseller has been an essential book for all those working with laboratory animals since it was first published in 1994.  This fourth edition retains all the classic features that have made it a must-have reference including emphasis on best practice in order to improve animal welfare.  The contents have been thoroughly updated and reorganised to make sure it is a really practical book for day-to-day use in the laboratory.  » More…

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Cote de rangement : SF407 .W

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Dictionary of zoo biology and animal management : a guide to terminology used in zoo biology, animal welfare, wildlife conservation and livestock production / Paul A. Rees

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« This dictionary is intended as a guide to the terminology used in a wide range of animal-related programmes of study including agriculture, animal care, animal management, animal production, animal welfare, veterinary nursing, wildlife conservation and zoo biology. In total it contains over 5,300 entries. It contains a wide range of terms used in the fields of veterinary science, physiology and zoology, as students whose primary interests are animal welfare or zoo biology also need to have some understanding of disease, how animal bodies function and how animals are classified. » More…

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Cote de rangement : QL10 .R

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Conservation of freshwater fishes / edited by Gerard P. Closs e.a.

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« Freshwater fish are one of the most diverse groups of vertebrates, but are also amongst the most threatened. With contributions from leaders in the field, this is the first assessment of the global state of freshwater fish diversity, synthesising the opportunities, challenges and barriers facing the conservation of freshwater fish biodiversity. The book includes the first global assessment of the number, type and distribution of threatened freshwater fish species, discussing the features of freshwater fish biology and ecology that render so many species vulnerable to extinction. » More…

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Cote de rangement : QL624 .C

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Conservation behavior : applying behavioral ecology to wildlife conservation and management / edited by Oded Berger-Tal e.a.

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« Conservation behavior assists the investigation of species endangerment associated with managing animals impacted by anthropogenic activities. It employs a theoretical framework that examines the mechanisms, development, function, and phylogeny of behavior variation in order to develop practical tools for preventing biodiversity loss and extinction. Developed from a symposium held at the International Congress on Conservation Biology in 2011, this is the first book to offer an in-depth, logical framework that identifies three vital areas for understanding conservation behavior: anthropogenic threats to wildlife, conservation and management protocols, and indicators of anthropogenic threats. » More…

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Cote de rangement : QL751 .C

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Daly and Doyen’s introduction to insect biology and diversity / James B. Whitfield, Alexander H. Purcell III, Howell V. Daly e.a.

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« Daly’s Introduction to Insect Biology and Diversity is respected for the balanced presentation and evolutionary perspective it brings to the study of entomology. This international third edition has been updated to contain the latest information on genetics, development, physiology, evolution, phylogeny, and systematics. The international third edition also witnesses a changing of the authorial guard as founding authors Daly and Doyen retire from the project. » More…

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Cote de rangement : QL463 .I

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Essential ornithology / Graham Scott

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« Essential Ornithology provides the reader with a concise but comprehensive introduction to the biology of birds, one of the most widely studied taxonomic groups. The book starts with the controversial question of the dinosaur origins of birds and their subsequent evolution. Development, anatomy, and physiology are then discussed followed by chapters devoted to avian reproduction, migration, ecology, and conservation. Sections dealing with aspects of bird/human relationships and bird conservation give the book an applied context. » More…

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Cote de rangement : QL673 .S

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